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Safeguard Your Digital Estate

LampPost Planning

If you died, what would happen to your email archives, social profiles and online accounts?

The average person has between 70 and 80 passwords. Maybe that's why one study found that 78% of people say they forgot a password in the last 90 days.

Without those passwords, your loved ones may be unable to shut down your Facebook page, access your accounts, and protect your personal correspondence.

Here are two action items you can do right now to help safeguard your digital estate:

  1. Take an inventory of all of your digital assets, including emails, social profiles, and any online business accounts. Decide what you want done with these in the event of your death and leave instructions with someone you trust.

  2. Make a list of your passwords and keep them in one location. Web applications, like, can make it simple.

We live in a digital world, and when it comes time to leave it, make sure that your digital assets are taken care of.

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